Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Booktubeathon Day 3: Day 2 Update and Still Failing

Day 2 final update:
115 Pages of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
5 Pages of Sense and Sensibility (that one's not going too well)

120 Pages total... the day was failed miserably

Day 3: Still Not Going Well
So as you can probably see from my Day 3 word count, this readathon isn't exactly going as well as I'd hoped it would. I'm still trying to power through and read as much as I can in the time I have but it's proving to be more difficult that I thought due to the fact we've got lovely weather here in the UK at the moment and because I know it won't last long I've spent every day this week at the beach (and fully plan on doing the same for the rest of the week!) I think considering I've only really had a few hours each day to read I'm doing pretty well!

I managed to finish Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this morning which means I've officially finished my first book of the readathon (and the biggest one) and I've finished my first (modified) challenge!

How're you all getting on with the readathon? Is it going well? Is it more difficult than you thought it would be? Let me know!

Happy reading!

Lucy x

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