Saturday, 11 January 2014

50 Books Challenge?

So as some of you will know, for the last 2 years I have joined many other people in the online book community in the '50 Books Challenge'. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's where you challenge yourself to read 50 books in a year.

In 2013, unfortunately I didn't manage it. I read a total of 39 books which I still think is pretty good considering the year was so busy for me but it still annoys me that I didn't reach the target I set for myself at the beginning of the year.

I know that 2014 is going to be an even busier year than 2013 which is why I made the decision to not challenge myself with the task of reading 50 books over the next 12 months. I did, however, want to set myself a goal in terms of reading so I decided to go with 30. For the last two years I've read about 40 books a year so I feel that 30 books is a good goal as it's achievable but also something I will be proud to do. I'm also going to try and make sure that I read as many books as possible that will help me with my school work. This means I'm going to try my best to focus on things that come under the topic of 'the struggle for identity in modern literature (20th century) which is my course for English Literature this year and the occasional historical book about either Britain 1880-1980 or Nazi Germany as that's the A Level history course I'm doing. That being said, I'm not going to let that stop me from reading books that I want to read just because they look good.

Since setting myself this goal at the very beginning of January I've already finished a book that comes under my English Literature course so things seem to be going well! That book is Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell, I can't recommend it enough and there will hopefully be a review coming soon!

Did you challenge yourself to the 50 Books Challenge in 2013? Did you complete it? Have you set yourself a reading goal for 2014? Let me know in the comments!

Lucy x

Guess Who's Back...

 So... it's been a while! So looking at my most recent post, it's been a grand total of 7 years, 4 months and 12 days since I last u...